May 07, 2017

great expectations

my view of love at the turn of quarter of a century:

someone who is
the last person on my mind before i fall asleep and the first invader of my thoughts as i wake up
the person i turn to first with news of joy, sadness, frustrations, anger, pain, hope, fear,
the person i instinctively want to shelter, care for, protect and defend
the person i put above myself because their happiness is so irretrievably linked to mine

the person i want to stay home on a friday night with, potato-ing on the couch
the person i would blissfully spend hours with roaming down every aisle of the grocery store
the person who would drive away with me when life needs a break

the person i can share all my good and bad, past and present with, knowing he would accept and love me for them
the person i would intrepidly pick battles with, knowing deep down, we will still have each others' backs
the person i will inadvertently hurt from time to time, but who would embrace me all the same because we are more important than any of our pride, or grudges, or resentment

a best friend, partner in crime, ride or die, for life.

applications are now open.

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